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Welcome to What Not To Say To A Naked Woman

A place to to share funny stories, day-to-day adventures and provide support.

Welcome to What Not To Say To A Naked Woman, a unique blog here for you to explore. What Not To Say To A Naked Woman has been an idea of mine for the past 2 decades. I love having the opportunity to share my thoughts and experiences (sometimes inappropriate) with others in the hope that they are able to feel that they are not alone in this vast world. Read on, and enjoy. Much love.

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Repurposed Love

For a while now I have been thinking about love in all its forms. When you say the word love it usually conjures up images of what we...

Is it really already April?!

Writing…you would think that with the amount of correspondence we all send to each other daily that I would be better at scheduling time...

It's Beginning. The Christmas Season

Is it just me or is anyone else finding it hard to believe that Christmas is less than a month away?! And on that note, why is it that...

Happily, Perfectly Me.

Do you ever feel like you are a step behind? You have all these great intentions, such as writing in your journal or running that...

Happy Birthday Little Brother

Dear Littlest Brother Jared, I don’t know why, but somehow in the recesses of my mind, certain days stand out to me, and I wake up just a...

Picture Perfect Does Not Exist

As I previously alluded to in my last post, a couple of months ago I was a bridesmaid in my sister-in-law Allie’s wedding in Ontario. I...

A Radical Concept - Forgiveness

My sister-in-law Allie recently reminded me that I haven’t written in a while and there really isn't much of an excuse for it. I have...

The Miracle that is You

Do you ever have a tune in your head that you cannot for the life of you remember the name of?! I believe they call it an earworm, which...

Perhaps we should use our words?

Everyone seems to be weighing in on the whole fiasco that occurred last night at the Oscars between Chris Rock and Will Smith. It seems...

Accidents, Friends and the Big 6-5

Today is my friend Susan’s 65th birthday and because of that, I feel like I want to share a little about this wonderful lady. To tell...

Beginnings, Middles and Endings…

I recently started a new job. For me, this has been a culmination of many years of hard work and after being off for 2 months I was...

A Good Man

What exactly do people mean when they refer to someone as a “Good Man?” It is a phrase that I have commonly heard, but everyone has...

The Reality of Love

Another good start to a weekend. Wake up. Feed the dogs. Walk the dogs. Make breakfast. Curl up under a blanket with the dogs and...

I owe you an apology Zachary Levi.

I have yet another confession to make and it is huge, well at least according to my new friend Clara who I had the pleasure of meeting at...

Dating and Diapers

This story is one of my favourites, because it is the perfect example of how innocent and clueless, I still was in my 20’s. As previously...

Addiction and Change

In my late 20’s I went through a phase that I now recognize as a manic episode. At the time I was 27 years old and had been in a...

Low days allowed.

Today I am feeling a bit low. It's just one of those days that we all have and I am sure it will pass. Recognizing it is important. ...

The Not-So Smooth Criminal

I must make a confession. It is one that may not be so popular with certain people, but it must be said. I am and will always be a huge...

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